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 A trip to Bievres by Yuri Davidenko

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Vlad Posted - Oct 27 2009 : 11:39:56 PM
Yuri Davidenko had passed on this little a present to all who attended our little gathering at Bievres. It's a video of Yuri's, Aidas and Viktor's trip. He had asked me to relay this all of you. Special huge thanks to Aidas for getting me this video and staying at work to transfer it to me over Skype for ungodly amount of time (I guess it's more thanks to his wife ).

Just click on the wiki entry above this thread to view the video.


9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vlad Posted - Dec 01 2009 : 3:50:26 PM
Yes, summer in Paris is absolutely beautiful, something about that city - a part of you stays there when you leave.. fell in love with it . A magical siren in the middle of the old world... You French (Alain, Michel, Jacques, Jed) are lucky people! . I will definitely come back! I may try in 2010 and visit Bievres show again but it will all depend on the situation here. Will probably know more in February/March. I know Viktor and Aidas are planning .

cedricfan Posted - Dec 01 2009 : 1:19:23 PM
Finally had the time to watch it, and it was great!
Actually good to save it later, nice to come back to last summer in December when it is dark, only a few °C warm and raining...
Also now I do know that some summer in 201x we will visit Kiev, looks good! Vilna and Paris we have seen, so many wiews that I did reckognize :)

Best regards,
Vlad Posted - Nov 08 2009 : 5:55:18 PM
Ulrich, thanks, glad you liked it, it was all Yuriy, I just encoded it posted it online. Maybe next year in Bievres? I'm convincing my wife .

uwittehh Posted - Nov 08 2009 : 5:34:51 PM
Vlad, very good quality. Thanks to all for the work on the movie, it was really a pleasure. Maybe I have the next meeting the time to be with you :-)


Vlad Posted - Nov 03 2009 : 09:17:53 AM
I've re-encoded and re-uploaded the video, should have a much better quality now for those interested.

Vlad Posted - Oct 28 2009 : 10:10:50 AM
Yes, it's a really well done video, only the quality that this re-encoding provided does not do it justice. I will tinker with it tonight to see if I can improve it...

Alain, Yuri said he did it in Final Cut Pro. This program needs a Mac computer.

For PC, Alain I can recommend you Sony Vegas - it's a great video editing tool too.

mermoz37 Posted - Oct 28 2009 : 08:35:48 AM
Any kindest regards to David!!
As former professor of cinema and Video I have to applaud the performance: this film contains so little technical error, it is not boring as often are amateur's movies.
It is really interesting to see the living environment of Aidas as well as the visit of Viktor's museum.Very informative indeed : nice to see Aidas familly house and Town.
Good shots about Paris : thanks from frenchies !.
As far as I possess the same EOS camera, I would like to know (if Yuri indeed wants to say it) with what software did he assemble this document, whith so much short cuts and nice music sound choice.
It remains a problem for me.

Congratulations too for Vlad : hard work to put it on line ...no ?
friend's regards,
RCCCUK Posted - Oct 28 2009 : 04:27:47 AM
Thank you Yuri for this brilliant video. Thanks too, to Aidas and Viktor. It was great to see so many friends and it brought back wonderful memories of Bievres. What a weekend that was! Thank you to Vlad for enabling us all to see it.


Vlad Posted - Oct 27 2009 : 11:48:50 PM
I'm also gonna try to re-encode this video, it lost some of the original quality and is a little fuzzy, I may repost a better version tomorrow.


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